New projects

New projects registered under the Australian Carbon Credit Unit Scheme can adopt methods developed under the previous scheme, the Carbon Farming Initiative. 
Up until 1 July 2015 projects adopting these methods may be backdated. After this date the 'newness' requirement applies and backdating will not be possible. The only exception is when the method specifically allows backdating.

This guidance is to provide clarification for participants for projects using the savanna fire management method regarding whether a project can contain areas for which start dates would differ.

Different start dates within a project under the savanna fire management method are acceptable provided that some elements of a project's eligibility assessment and operational requirements have been disaggregated with respect to different start dates.

For clarity, it is suggested that the term "sub-project" be adopted to describe areas within a project that have a particular start date.

At a minimum, the following elements will need disaggregated data and/or information provided in order to provide the Clean Energy Regulator with the necessary assurance that the project meets the eligibility and operational requirements and to ensure an audit opinion can be formed with respect to each sub-project.

  • Sub-project areas with different start dates may (but not necessarily) have different baseline periods. Where different baseline periods are being used for different areas within a project, satisfying the fire map requirement for calculating baseline emissions for each area with a particular start date must be demonstrated.
  • While baseline emissions will need to be calculated separately for each sub-project, project abatement must be calculated collectively according to Equation 1, to ensure the accurate calculation of abatement for the entire project (including any sub-project areas that may have had had a positive emissions result). Collective calculation must be used:
    • For all sub-projects once all sub-projects have aligned reporting, i.e., from the first year of reporting for the sub-project area with the latest start date.
    • For earlier years, where some, but not all sub-project areas are being reported, the abatement calculation must be undertaken collectively for all the sub-project areas relevant to each year within the relevant reporting period.
    • Sub-project areas may be reported as if they were projects in their own right.
  • Records must be kept in relation to all of the above requirements in a manner that clearly disaggregates data and information for sub-projects. This includes but is not limited to evidence of backdated project commencement and calculations and tables relating to baseline in Forms 1 and 2.

Crediting Period

  • The crediting period will commence on the date on which the project declaration takes effect.
  • For projects that are submitted for project registration with sub-projects with different start dates, that date will be the start date of earliest sub-project area for which eligibility requirements have been satisfied, within the limitations of the method.
  • For projects that have been declared and are adding new sub-projects with different start dates, the duration of the crediting period does not change, and the commencement of the crediting period will continue to be linked to the date of effect of the project declaration, as follows:
    • For a declared project that is being expanded to include an area with a later start date, the date of effect of the project declaration will not change, and the commencement of the crediting period will remain the same.​