Project Proponent Date Registered Method Type Method Description Notes
FOREVER CARBON CORRIDORS PTY LTD 18/11/2022 Vegetation Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative-Plantation Forestry) Methodology Determination 2022
Read the methodology determination
This project sequesters carbon by transitioning a plantation forest to a permanent forest, in situations where that plantation is at risk of being converted to non-forested land. n/a
Project location Postcode Project Area(s) Mapping files
Western Australia 6328 7018/P210337/1990/629 The project is in the CITY OF ALBANY local government area(s). Carbon estimation area mapping file (.zip)
Project area mapping file (.kml)
Carbon Credit units
Total KACCUs issued Total KACCUs relinquished Total NKACCUs issued Total NKACCUs relinquished
18,643 0 0 0

Unique key
