Project Proponent Date Registered Method Type Method Description Notes
THAMARRURR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LIMITED 20/12/2020 Savanna Fire Management Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative-Savanna Fire Management-Emissions Avoidance) Methodology Determination 2018
Read the methodology determination
This project involves strategic fire management including annual planned burning of savannas in the high rainfall zone to reduce the risk of late dry season wild fires. n/a
Project location Postcode Project Area(s) Mapping files
Northern Territory 822 1637 The project is in the West Daly Regional Council local government area. Project area mapping file (.kml)
Carbon Credit units
Total KACCUs issued Total KACCUs relinquished Total NKACCUs issued Total NKACCUs relinquished
33,823 0 0 0

Unique key
