Project Proponent Date Registered Method Type Method Description Notes
Terra Carbon Pty Limited 21/07/2014 Savanna Burning Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative-Emissions Abatement through Savanna Fire Management) Methodology Determination 2015
Read the methodology determination
This project involves the strategic and planned burning of savanna areas during the early dry season to reduce the risk of late dry season wild fires. 07/02/2017 Variation of project method - from Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative)(Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Early Dry Season Savanna Burning-1.1) Methodology Determination 2013 to Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative - Emissions Abatement through Savanna Fire Management) Methodology Determination 2015. 08/09/2022 Variation to participant name - from Country Carbon Pty Ltd to Terra Carbon Pty Limited.
Related contract(s)
Contract ID Status Auction date Original volume of abatement committed under contract Volume of abatement sold to the Commonwealth under contract
CAC102453 Active Nov-15 216,000 77,427
Project location Postcode Project Area(s) Mapping files
Queensland 4871 1/LK4 The project is in the Cook local government area. Project area mapping file (.kml)
Carbon Credit units
Total KACCUs issued Total KACCUs relinquished Total NKACCUs issued Total NKACCUs relinquished
179970 0 0 0

Unique key
