The Emissions and Energy Reporting System (EERS) is available for 2023-24 reporting. You can log in to EERS to enter data and submit your reports.

Check this page for updates to EERS and reporting.

Log in to EERS

If you need to update or change user access for your organisation, please log into Client Portal.

2023-24 EERS changes

Changes to EERS for the 2023–24 reporting year:

  • 2 new biofuels added: renewable diesel and renewable aviation kerosene.
  • Added functionality to allow voluntary reporting of market-based scope 2 emissions from purchased or acquired electricity.
  • Updated Method 1 emission factor for calculation of fugitive methane emissions from Queensland open cut coal mines from 0.023 to 0.031 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalence per tonne of run-of-mine coal extracted.
  • 'Multi-site cement facility' is available as a new entity in the corporate structure.
  • New message for facilities that exceed the Safeguard Mechanism threshold indicating that they must comply with their obligations under the Safeguard Mechanism, including reporting additional production variable data via Online Services.
  • Updated emission factors for estimating emissions resulting from the consumption of electricity purchased or lost from the grid (scope 2 emissions).

Identified issues for 2023-24 reporting

We provide actions to resolve identified issues for reporting.

There are currently no identified issues for the 2023–24 reporting period.

If you have an issue that you can’t resolve, contact us.