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The 2023–24 National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) data is now available. This year, 961 corporations reported a total of 303 million tonnes of scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions. This represents an overall decrease in scope 1 emissions of 4 million tonnes compared to totals for the previous year.

The decrease in overall scope 1 emissions for 2023–24 was led by emissions reductions in the ‘Primary metal and metal product manufacturing’, ‘Chemicals and petroleum/coal products’ and ‘Coal mining’ sectors.

Each year Australian corporations meeting certain emissions and energy thresholds are required to report to us under the NGER Scheme. This emissions and energy data is published to maintain transparency and keep the Australian public informed. The data also helps inform government policy and programs and meet Australia's international reporting obligations.

See 2023–24 published data highlights for more detail.