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The fourth pilot exit window for the fixed delivery exit arrangement is now open.

The fourth pilot of the fixed delivery exit arrangement is informed by the recent ACCU Review Implementation consultation conducted by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water.

This pilot exit window includes the following changes.

  • The window for eligible deliveries is from 1 July 2023 to 31 December 2024 rather than the previous 6-month window period.
  • Sellers must deliver at least 20 % of the applicable delivery milestone that they’re exiting. This must be done before they submit their application

We expect between 9 to 15 million ACCUs will be become available to the market during this exit window. This excludes between 2 to 4 million ACCUs to be delivered under contracts to meet the 20% minimum partial delivery requirement. Sellers with volume currently under negotiation as part of our carbon abatement contract management process may not be able to participate in this exit window, and therefore these ACCUs may also not be released to the market.

Sellers must submit their exit application at least 2 weeks before their scheduled milestone delivery date or by 1 December 2024 (whichever occurs earlier).

Sellers must:

  • meet their contractual obligations during the exit window either through delivering ACCUs or through the exit arrangement
  • manage their secondary market transactions, so they can make informed decisions on their ability to deliver or participate in the exit window.

For delivery milestones scheduled after 31 August 2024, we will consider revisions on a case-by-case basis and in line with our contract management principles.

Sellers may also need to enter into a benefit sharing arrangement, so that others with an interest in the contract can share the gains from selling the ACCUs to the private market.

We will contact sellers that have milestone deliveries scheduled between 1 July 2023 and 31 December 2024 with further information on how to participate in the exit window.

Find out more about fixed delivery exit arrangements, including how to apply and eligibility requirements.