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The Clean Energy Regulator (CER) is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) from accredited designers and installers to join an industry forum on the upcoming transition to one or more CER approved accreditation scheme operators (ASOs) from February 2024.

The forum is an opportunity for accredited designers and installers under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme to engage with us on the information and support important to them for the transition. A cohort of 12-15 accredited persons will be chosen to participate.

What to expect

  • A minimum of 3 one-hour video conference forums between November 2023 and March 2024.
  • An opportunity to provide your experience and feedback to the CER on what’s important to you for the transition process of accredited persons to one or more new ASOs.
  • Engage with industry peers to discuss what is needed and ways to achieve a successful transition.
  • This is not a discussion on installation standards and what the one or more new ASOs should incorporate in their scheme.

If you are interested in participating, please complete the EOI by close of business Tuesday 31 October 2023. Forum outcomes will be published on our website to assist all accredited persons in the transition process.

Participation in the forum is voluntary and is not an endorsement of an accredited persons skills as a designer or installer. The names of forum members will not be made public.

We will contact accredited persons selected to participate in the forum by email with further details.

If you have questions, please email us at or call our Contact Centre team on 1300 553 542.