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​Many facilities are likely to face material financial implications if they don't apply for an emissions intensity determination (EID) for the 2023-24 financial year. Applications must be submitted by 30 April 2024.

Purpose of an EID

An EID sets the facility-specific emissions-intensity values of existing production variables at current Safeguard facilities. These values will be used to calculate facility's baseline emissions number from 2023-24 – 2029-30.

When to apply

You should consider applying for an EID if your facility:

  • existed before 1 July 2023
  • produced products in commercial quantities in any year from 2017-18 to 2022-23
  • requires a standard baseline and
  • is likely to have covered emissions of more than 100,000 tCO2-e (the Safeguard threshold) in the 2023-24 financial year.

You may also consider applying if you intend to claim Safeguard Mechanism credit units in the 2023-24 financial year.

If your facility will not exceed the Safeguard threshold in the 2023-24 financial year you don't need to apply for an EID by 30 April 2024. If your facility exceeds the Safeguard threshold in a future financial year, you can apply for an EID by the 31 October following the first year the Safeguard threshold is exceeded.

If you don't apply

If you don't apply for an EID, all your existing production variables will be subject to best ‑practice emissions-intensity values in the 2023-24 financial year.

It's likely any best practice emissions-intensity values will be materially lower than your facility-specific values. This may result in your baseline emission number being lower than it would be if the facility had an EID, and could result in you needing to buy and surrender more carbon units to meet your obligations.

EID application audits

All EID applications must have an independent audit report. If you haven't engaged an auditor, we recommend you do this soon to ensure you're able to meet the 30 April 2024 deadline.

Grid-connected electricity generators

Grid-connected electricity generation facilities with more than 100,000 tCO2-e of covered emissions not directly related to electricity generation (such as fugitive emissions from coal mining), will receive a standard baseline for those emissions.

These facilities should also consider applying for an EID.

How to apply

You can apply using the EID application form in Online Services. The EID guideline can help you prepare your application.

More information

For more information email or call 1300 553 542. To ensure you receive the latest updates subscribe to our mailing list. ​