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The Clean Energy Regulator will pilot a new geospatial data upload and validation process for Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) projects.

Geospatial data is an important feature to demonstrate eligibility of area-based projects registered and reporting under the ERF. Geospatial information is required for most land sector projects because abatement is determined by the location and characteristics of the land where the project mechanism occurs.

The pilot will change the way ERF applicants submit geospatial data. The new process will enable applicants to upload geospatial data (in a range of formats) and will automate feedback and validation processes.

We will release the new process in the coming weeks. Applicants will have the option to continue using the current process or use the new capability. Depending on the outcomes of the pilot, the current process will be phased out over time.

The new capability will introduce a range of benefits, including:

  • reduced application processing times
  • fewer requests for further information and resubmission
  • upfront feedback that will help inform application submission
  • improved data quality - supporting scheme maturity.

CFI Mapping Guidelines

The Clean Energy Regulator has assumed the responsibility for administration of the CFI Mapping Guidelines. An updated version of the CFI Mapping Guidelines will be available shortly to support applicants through these changes.