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The Clean Energy Regulator (CER) has today published new carbon estimate area (CEA) data for human-induced regeneration (HIR) projects aggregated at the state level.

CEAs are the areas of land on which activity to build carbon takes place and the areas subject to crediting under the methods.

The new aggregated data for CEAs is in addition to the project area data and other information publicly available on the ERF project register.

The Chair of the CER, David Parker, has publicly committed to releasing as much data as is allowable under our legislation to enhance the transparency of the data held by the Regulator about Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) projects.

The location of CEAs at the project-level is protected information and cannot be made publicly available by the CER due to the restrictions in legislation. Publishing restricted information carries imprisonment penalties, which means the legislators take seriously protecting sensitive information supplied by scheme participants.

It is not currently possible to publish CEA data for HIR projects in South Australia and the Northern Territory because only a very small number of projects have reported their CEAs in those areas, and to do so, could reveal their location. Tasmania and the ACT do not have any relevant projects.

The Clean Energy Regulator will consider further data that can be released to continue to improve transparency, within the legislative restrictions that apply.

See Human Induced Regeneration (HIR) aggregated project data for more information.