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Registration for ERF Auction 13 will close at 12:01 am, Tuesday 5 October 2021 (AEDT).

Please note that Daylight Savings takes effect as of Sunday 3 October 2021. This means that for New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania and the ACT, ERF auction registration will close Tuesday morning at 12:01am 5 October 2021. For Queensland and the Northern Territory registration closes at 11:01 pm Monday evening 4 October 2021 and 09:01 pm Monday evening, 4 October 2021 in Western Australia. Please ensure you adjust your processes accordingly.

The ERF is continuing to progress on multiple fronts with high levels of new projects, and a growing choice of methods under which individuals and businesses can participate, expanding the sources of generation of abatement.

  • Over 120 projects have been registered in 2021, a 70% increase over the same period in 2020 with the 1,000th ERF project announced on 26 July 2021.
  • The June quarter saw a record supply of 5.7 million ACCUs issued and the ERF recently recorded the issuance of its 100 millionth ACCU.
  • Recent updates for the landfill gas sector methods are expected to increase abatement opportunities. For more information see: Landfill gas method and Landfill gas (generation) method.
  • Several proposed methods, including for soil carbon, carbon capture and storage, and the industrial and commercial emissions reduction methods are substantially progressed having been subject to, or undergoing, public consultation.

With over $900 million paid under Commonwealth contracts and a further $2.6 billion committed, regular ERF auctions offer project participants opportunities to secure either Fixed or Optional Delivery contracts with the government to underpin their project revenue streams. Where project participants are seeking a contract in the 13th ERF Auction, they are reminded to bid competitively to maximise the chance of their bid being accepted.

Applicants who have qualified for this auction – or who submitted a qualification application before the 6 September 2021 deadline – must complete an auction registration application through the Client Portal to bid at auction.

Any submissions received after 12:01 am Tuesday 5 October 2021 will not be accepted, and you will miss out on participating in the Auction.

During auction registration, as the authorised bidder, you are required to detail:

Following acceptance of your auction registration, the final step is to submit your competitive bid during the auction window on Wednesday 13 October (12:01 am) to Thursday 14 October (5:00 pm) 2021.

Applicants who are seeking both an optional delivery contract and a fixed delivery contract are reminded to submit a separate registration for each contract type.

Have a question?

See auction registration or visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for more information. Contact the Clean Energy Regulator at or 1300 553 542 if you require assistance.

Note that Monday 4 October 2021 is a public holiday in the ACT and any outstanding requests or questions for the agency should be made before Friday 1 October 2021, to ensure enough time for a reply or completion.