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Landfill gas projects capture and combust gas from waste to prevent the release of methane into the atmosphere. Combusting landfill gas converts methane to carbon dioxide, which is a much less potent greenhouse gas and enables Australian carbon credit units to be earned.

The new Landfill gas (generation) method came into effect on 10 September 2021.

Under the new Landfill gas (generation) method, all new projects that seek to capture and combust waste methane from landfills with the intention to generate electricity will have a 12-year crediting period.

Existing projects under the 2015 Landfill gas method that intend to generate electricity can choose to transfer onto the new Landfill gas (generation) method. This will allow such projects to access a crediting period extension of 5 years resulting in a crediting period of 12 years from the start date of their original crediting period.

To transfer an existing project to the new method please submit an application through the Client Portal.

See the Landfill gas (generation) method page for more information.