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Simplifying data entry in the Exemption Determination Tool

The Clean Energy Regulator (the agency) has simplified the process for entering monthly electricity data which is used to calculate your certifiable amount. This has been made possible through updates to the data exchange platform between the agency and the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO).

When you view your annual Exemption Determination Tool in the Client Portal, there are 2 ways you can enter your monthly electricity use data:

  1. Review and accept the AEMO meter reading (if pre-populated).
  2. Use your own data or overwrite the amount provided by AEMO.

If you choose to overwrite the AEMO data, the system may prompt you to provide a reason. You can use this field to record details of the source of the data that you provide (for example, electricity retailer billing information or direct meter readings).

Instructions for reviewing and accepting the AEMO meter reading (if pre-populated)

Click on the image to open a high resolution version.

If you have any questions about this functionality within the Client Portal, please contact us on 1300 553 542, or email

Compliance and enforcement reminder

Entities must submit complete and accurate applications in line with Renewable Energy Target (RET) scheme requirements and the electricity use method. Information provided to determine the certifiable amount is the responsibility of the applicant. Providing false and misleading information and documentation is an offence under sections 137.1 and 137.2 of the Criminal Code Act 1995. Maximum penalty is 12 months imprisonment.

A reminder to ensure that your contact details are correct

Due to ongoing disruptions to workplaces and working arrangements caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, we encourage you to:

  • Update your contact details in the Client Portal. It is important to ensure that all details (email, phone, mailing address) are current, especially if you have recently transitioned to working remotely.
  • Ensure that your Client Portal ‘Organisation’s Administrator’ regularly reviews the roles of users within the organisation to ensure they are current. This includes ensuring that users have the correct access level required to engage with the agency.

Subscribe to our email updates so you stay up to date

So we can keep you informed of the latest information and news, we encourage you to subscribe to our EITE email list. Please refer other people within your organisation to sign up so that they can stay up to date with EITE news.

More information and assistance with your application

If you have any questions about the exemption certificate application process call us on 1300 553 542, email us at, or visit the Emissions-intensive trade-exposed exemption page on our website for more information.