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The Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee is seeking stakeholder submissions on a proposed new methodology under the Emissions Reduction Fund: Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Plantation Forestry) Methodology Determination 2021.

The 2021 plantation forestry method builds on the existing Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Plantation Forestry) Methodology Determination 2017. The new method aims to provide more opportunities for the plantation forestry industry to participate in the ERF.

The method introduces 2 new activities:

  • transition to a permanent forest, and
  • continue plantation forestry activities.

The method also removes barriers to participation in the existing activities:

  • new plantations
  • short to long rotation conversions, and
  • includes removing some species restrictions.

The consultation documents are available on the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resource's (DISER) consultation hub.

You can upload your submissions to DISER’s consultation hub. The consultation period is open now and will close on Monday 22 November 2021.

Visit DISER’s Consultation Hub or Plantation Forestry method for further information.