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The bidding window for Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) Auction 13 will open at 12:01 am Wednesday 13 October, and run until 5:00 pm Thursday 14 October 2021 (AEDT).

With the bidding opening in less than a week, and with a bid window of 2 days, all participants should consider their final bidding strategy if they have not already done so.

Australia’s carbon market has evolved over time with increasing demand from the private sector for carbon units. The optional delivery contracts now being offered at ERF Auctions have played an important role in this evolution as the private market steps up to purchase more Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs). The Government’s role is moving increasingly towards under-writing the carbon market.

Optional delivery contracts provide government backed assurance to underpin investment in projects, while facilitating liquidity in the secondary market if contract holders choose to sell their carbon credits to others.

ERF auctions are competitive in nature. All bids will be assessed in accordance with the carbon abatement purchasing principles, including the ability to contribute to least-cost abatement. As we have said before, the Clean Energy Regulator’s role is to buy up the long-run supply curve, not the short run supply curve.

You should ensure you bid competitively to maximise your chance of securing a contract and not missing out!

Have a question?

See auction registration or visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for more information. Contact the Clean Energy Regulator at or 1300 553 542 if you require assistance.