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The Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee is seeking stakeholder submissions on the draft biomethane method package under the Emissions Reduction Fund.

Biomethane projects can earn carbon credits for the abatement that occurs when methane is converted to carbon dioxide, a less potent greenhouse gas, and when it is used as a substitute for natural gas.

The biomethane package includes proposed variations to three waste methods:

  • Draft Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative – Animal Effluent Management Biomethane) Methodology Determination Variation 2021
  • Draft Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative – Electricity Generation from Landfill Gas Biomethane) Methodology Determination Variation 2021
  • Draft Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative – Domestic, Commercial and Industrial Wastewater Biomethane) Methodology Determination Variation 2021.

Eligible projects under the existing waste methods will be able to transfer to the relevant new method.

The Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee is seeking stakeholder feedback on whether to also vary the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative – Alternative Waste Treatment) Methodology Determination 2015 and the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative – Source Separated Organic Waste) Methodology Determination 2016 to include biomethane activities, noting the work in 2022 into the potential use of a broader set of agricultural wastes under the biomethane methods.

The consultation documents are available on the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resource's (DISER) consultation hub.

You can upload your submissions to DISER’s consultation hub. The consultation period is open now and will close on 30 November 2021.

Visit DISER’s Consultation Hub or Biomethane method for more information.