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The Clean Energy Regulator has today released the 2019–20 safeguard facility reported emissions data.

In 2019–20, 215 safeguard facilities reported a total of 143 million tonnes CO2-e covered emissions.

Responsible emitters used a range of options to meet their obligations, including applying for a calculated or production-adjusted baseline, multi-year monitoring period, and surrendering Australian carbon credit units (ACCUs) to offset their emissions.

In addition to having a reported, calculated or production-adjusted baseline in force:

  • 10 facilities entered a multi-year monitoring period to average emissions below their baseline
  • 4 facilities had their multi-year monitoring period extended by a year
  • 13 entities surrendered 246,539 ACCUs. Of the ACCUs surrendered, 11 entities sourced and surrendered 88,325 ACCUs.

All safeguard entities met their safeguard obligations by the 28 February 2021 deadline.

Please note:

See 2019–20 safeguard facility reported emissions data for more information.