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The Clean Energy Regulator invites stakeholder submissions on the Corporate Emissions Reduction Transparency report consultation paper and the Corporate Emissions Reduction Transparency report draft guidelines.

The Corporate Emissions Reduction Transparency report will be underpinned by the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) scheme and will be available for the 2020-21 NGER reporting cycle.

It will be a simple ledger showing reported scope 1 and scope 2 emissions, eligible units and certificates surrendered, and the ‘net’ scope 1 and 2 positions.

Eligible corporations under the NGER scheme will be able to reference the Corporate Emissions Reduction Transparency report as a trusted source to support their claims of action and ambition to reduce their emissions or source renewable electricity.

NGER reporters, suppliers of eligible units, investors and those interested in voluntary emissions reduction reporting are encouraged to help shape the Corporate Emissions Reduction Transparency report by submitting a response.

How to make a submission

Submissions can be emailed to

Please make your submission by 5 pm EDT, Friday 19 March 2021.