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Applications for 2022 exemption certificates can now be lodged for eligible emissions-intensive trade-exposed (EITE) activities under the Renewable Energy Target (RET).

Application deadlines

We encourage you to start your application early to allow for sufficient time to satisfy all the requirements for participation.

The following key dates are determined by the legislation. The Clean Energy Regulator (the agency) does not have the ability to extend timeframes or accept late applications.

ApplicationOpening dateClosing date
2022 exemption certificate

01 August 2021

30 March 2022

2022 amendments to a nominated liable entity

Date exemption certificate is approved

31 December2022

Compliance and enforcement

Entities applying for an EITE exemption certificate must submit complete and accurate applications in line with scheme requirements and the electricity use method. Information provided to determine the use amount formula and calculation of the certifiable amount is the responsibility of the applicant. Providing false and misleading information and documentation is an offence under sections 137.1 and 137.2 of the Criminal Code Act 1995. Maximum penalty is 12 months imprisonment.

Ensure that your contact details are current

Due to continued disruptions with the COVID-19 pandemic we encourage you to:

  • Update your contact details in the Client Portal. It is important to ensure that all details (email, phone, mailing address) are current, especially if you have recently transitioned to working remotely.
  • Ensure that your Client Portal ‘Organisation’s Administrator’ regularly reviews the roles of users within the organisation to ensure they are current and have the required access level to engage with the agency.

Subscribe to our email updates to ensure you stay up to date

So that we can keep you informed of the latest information and news, we encourage you to subscribe to our EITE email list. Please refer other people within your organisation to the list so they can also stay up to date with EITE news.

For more information

If you have any questions about the exemption certificate application process call us on 1300 553 542, email us at or visit the emissions-intensive trade-exposed page on our website for more information.