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The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) released an update to LOOC-C which now incorporates two more methods under the Emissions Reduction Fund—beef cattle herd management and measurement of soil carbon.

LOOC-C is the Landscape Options and Opportunities for Carbon abatement Calculator (LOOC-C) developed by CSIRO that allows interested landholders to quickly assess carbon abatement opportunities on their land. It does so by providing estimates of what carbon increases are possible based on project size, land condition, and method.

Methods available through LOOC-C:

  • Measurement of soil carbon sequestration
  • Estimating sequestration of carbon in soil using default values method (model-based soil carbon)
  • Beef cattle herd management
  • Reforestation by environmental or mallee plantings - FullCAM
  • Human-induced regeneration of a permanent even-aged native forest
  • Native forest from managed regrowth
  • Avoided clearing of native regrowth

More information

To assess options for an Emissions Reduction Fund project on your land visit LOOC-C, or you can contact CSIRO for more information on the calculator.