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An advance payment of up to $5,000 is now available through a pilot program for eligible Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) soil projects to help with upfront costs of soil sampling.

The sequestration of carbon in Australian soils can reduce emissions and enhance agricultural productivity, but the costs of soil sampling for projects under the ERF’s measured soil method has been identified as a key barrier to more soil projects participating in the scheme. The advance payment assists project proponents with meeting the costs of baseline soil sampling required under the measured soil method.

Key Features

  • Advance payment for Australian carbon credit units (ACCUs) to assist with meeting the costs of required baseline soil sampling.
  • ACCUs, subject to the advance payment, must be provided within five (5) years.
  • One advance payment per eligible project.
  • Available to projects under the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative - Measurement of Soil Carbon Sequestration in Agricultural Systems) Methodology Determination 2018.
  • For new baseline soil sampling only.
  • Data from soil sampling will need to be provided to the Commonwealth to help inform method development.
  • Project must be connected to a relevant Commonwealth contract.
  • Contract holder will receive the payment
    • Where the landholder is not the Contract holder arrangements will need to be agreed between these parties.

See advance to support soil method baseline sampling on our website for more information.