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The Clean Energy Regulator (CER) has accepted an enforceable undertaking offered by Trina Solar (Australia) Pty Ltd (Trina Solar) to address any ineligible solar panel serial numbers that were uploaded by Trina Solar into the Solar Panel Validation (SPV) Service. Ineligible means that the panels were not eligible for Small-scale Technology Certificates (certificates).

The intention of the enforceable undertaking is to provide assurance that improper creation of certificates either does not occur or is remediated appropriately. Remediation may include replacing panels or surrendering certificates so that consumers and the solar industry are not adversely affected.

Trina Solar advised that it also intends to provide its supply chain with more details regarding this matter in the coming days. Trina Solar has advised the CER that they want to assure the industry and its trading partners the quality and performance of its products are proper and sound and that Trina Solar is working closely with the CER and industry to rectify any STC issues.

Further information about this undertaking and how this applies to certificate claims and SPV validation has been sent directly to solar industry scheme participants.

The CER will progressively release updates on this issue as any key developments arise and will publish Frequently Asked Questions based on common calls we may receive.