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The Clean Energy Regulator has today published certificate shortfall data following final surrender by liable entities for the 2019 assessment year. A list of liable entities that have incurred shortfall in all assessment years is published on the certificate shortfall register.

2019 surrender rates

  • The 2019 assessment year combined certificate surrender rate was 89.2 per cent.

For each of the schemes, the:

  • large-scale generation certificate (LGC) on-time surrender rate was 76.6 per cent, and
  • small-scale technology certificate (STC) on-time surrender rate was 99.9 per cent.

As anticpated in our December 2019 Quarterly Carbon Market Report, there were material shortfall charges for the 2019 assessment year with some liable entities taking advantage of lower forward prices. After the surrender deadline, 25 million LGCs were surrendered against liability for the 2019 assessment year, with nine million LGCs remaining in the market following final surrender.

Further information

Read more about scheme compliance and certificate surrender. Our Quarterly Carbon Market Reports provide a regular view of supply and demand across the carbon markets we administer and explores key factors that influence market performance.