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Seeking feedback on draft guidance: Reducing the risk of fire and preserving sequestered carbon in Emissions Reduction Fund vegetation projects

Please note the consultation period has been extended to 5PM, Friday 31 July 2020.

Guidance on Reducing the risk of fire and preserving sequestered carbon in Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) vegetation projects has been developed to provide proponents of vegetation projects registered under the ERF with information to understand:

  1. their obligations regarding managing projects to reduce the risk of disturbance from fire events
  2. that efforts by ERF proponents to meet these obligations will be taken into consideration when considering what action is to be taken by the agency following a loss of carbon through fire events, and
  3. what happens should a fire event affect carbon stores in their project.

We are now seeking feedback from interested parties and participants on the draft guidance, in particular on whether:

  • the document makes obligations related to reducing the risk of fire on ERF vegetation projects and actions following a loss of carbon clear
  • there are areas of the document that require more detailed information, or
  • there are other useful links that could be added to the resources section of the document.

Comments or feedback can be emailed Any comments or feedback received by 5PM, Friday 31 July 2020 will be considered before finalising the guidance.