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The Clean Energy Regulator continues compliance action in responding to the misuse of accredited installer details in the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES). We have recently taken compliance action against Clean Energy Council (CEC) accredited installer, Mr Sandeep Chikhale.

In this instance, Mr Chikhale submitted false information to a registered agent where he stated he was either the CEC accredited installer or supervised the installation of various solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, which was untrue. The registered agents relied on this false information to create small-scale technology certificates (STCs).

We have accepted an enforceable undertaking offered by Mr Chikhale of SSC Electrical Services Pty Ltd to address the non-compliance. The enforceable undertaking commits Mr Chikhale and SSC Electrical Services Pty Ltd to the inspection and, if necessary, rectification of a number of solar PV system installations.

A list of current and completed enforceable undertakings is available on our website.

Agent responsibilities

Earlier this week we published our 2020-21 Compliance and Enforcement Priorities, with a focus on ineligible claims for STCs in the supply chain and those who provide false information.

Registered agents are reminded of their responsibilities and are strongly encouraged to have appropriate compliance programs in place to reduce the risk of breaching regulatory requirements for STC creation, remedy any breach that may occur, and continue to foster a culture of compliance.

We take fraud and non-compliance seriously and take necessary action to ensure the integrity of the scheme. SRES participants who are involved in the improper creation of STCs will be subject to enforcement action.

Contact us

Anyone who is aware of, or suspects non-compliance in the SRES should contact the Clean Energy Regulator immediately at or phone 1300 553 542. Any information provided will be treated with confidentiality unless otherwise agreed.