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An advance payment of up to $5000 will be offered to eligible Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) proponents to assist with the upfront costs of soil sampling.

The sequestration of carbon in Australian soils helps reduce emissions and enhances agricultural productivity, but the cost of baseline sampling under the ERF’s measured soil method has been identified as a key barrier to more soil projects participating in the scheme.

The advance payment will assist project proponents with meeting the costs of soil sampling, which is a requirement for the measured soil method.

Eligible soil project proponents can be offered a contract for the advance payment of Australian carbon credit units (ACCUs) worth up to $5000, to be paid back to the Clean Energy Regulator within 5 years.

As well as helping to support proponents with upfront project costs, the pilot advance payment contract will require that soil data collected through the soil sampling supported by the advance payment is made available to help inform and improve the understanding of ERF measured soil based projects. The agency will engage with industry to provide further guidance in relation to the collection and use of this data to appropriately to address commercial confidentiality concerns.


The following requirements must be met:

Carbon Abatement Contract

Project proponents will be able to access the advance payment though either by linking to an existing Carbon Abatement Contract or by seeking a new contract through an ERF auction. The next opportunity to receive a new contract is the 9-10 September 2020 ERF auction. If you are seeking a contract as part of the forthcoming auction it’s important to register your project and submit a project application by midnight 28 July 2020 (AEST). Auction bids need to be competitive to maximise the chance of success as part of the competitive auction process.

Advance payment contracts for soil sampling can be linked with either a Fixed Delivery or Optional Delivery contract although the contract for the advance payment require a delivery of ACCUs to the Clean Energy Regulator.

Project requirements

A project must be registered under the Soil Carbon Sequestration in Agricultural Systems Methodology Determination 2018 method and linked to a Carbon Abatement Contract. Both conditionally and unconditionally registered projects may be eligible. Project proponents may be eligible for the advance payment if they have not yet conducted their baseline soil sampling.

Payment terms

The advance payment is to support costs associated with soil sampling. Proponents will be required to provide evidence of these costs such as an invoice or receipt.

The repayment of the advance purchase of ACCUs is to occur within 5 years and will align with when the project is expected to have generated ACCUs.

How to apply

An application form and the associated contract will soon be available.

More information

Further information on eligibility, data sharing and associated contractual arrangements will be available on our website shortly.

Whether you are a landholder, an agent or an aggregator, and you are a thinking about participating, call or email us directly with any questions.

See more information on participating in the 11th auction.