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Companies can now opt-in to the 2023 Corporate Emissions Reduction Transparency (CERT) report.

The CERT report is Australia's only snapshot of a company's climate-related commitments, progress, and net emissions position using a standard framework.

Opting into the CERT report can help eligible companies build understanding and trust for their climate actions and shows their commitment and leadership for transparent reporting.

The Clean Energy Regulator (CER) Chair David Parker said: “We look forward to welcoming more eligible companies to participate in the 2023 CERT report.”

Eligible companies are those whose greenhouse and energy data must be both reported to and published by the CER.

“Growing community and regulatory attention around emissions reduction claims and clear fiduciary duties for companies, means now is the time to act,” Mr Parker said.

The 2023 CERT report follows the success of the 2022 pilot.

“It was pleasing to see 23 of Australia's largest companies participate in the CERT pilot," Mr Parker said.

“These companies represented almost a quarter of scope 1 (direct) emissions reported to the CER.”

After extensive engagement throughout the 2022 CERT report pilot, the agency has evolved the report's design. The design is informed by the International Sustainability Standards Board approach, which is seen as the leading international standard on climate-related disclosure.

“The 2023 CERT report introduces a new option of independently assured commitments, enabling companies to include in their report where data and progress have been independently audited in addition to the progress data verified by the agency or the company,” Mr Parker said.

“This is a game-changer that increases the value of the CERT report for participants and readers.”

The updated guidelines for the 2023 CERT report are available on our website.

Companies can opt-in from 1 November 2022 to 31 January 2023. The report will be published in mid-2023.