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A Clean Energy Regulator investigation has led to 14 charges being laid against an electrical company for providing false or misleading documents in the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES).

On 14 occasions between March 2019 and July 2019, the company provided Small-scale Technology Certificate (STC) assignment forms to an agent who then relied on that information to create certificates. It is alleged that each STC assignment form contained false information relating to the identity of the installer of the solar PV systems.

The Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions is prosecuting the matter and it is due to be mentioned in the ACT Magistrates Court on 17 March 2022.

The Clean Energy Regulator expects information provided to it to be true and correct, has zero tolerance for wilful fraud or non-compliance and will take enforcement action where that is warranted under our Compliance, Education and Enforcement Policy.

In December 2021, amendments to the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 passed into law. The amendments address the Australian Government’s response to the recommendations made in the Clean Energy Regulator’s Integrity Review of the Rooftop Solar PV Sector. The new regulations provide the Clean Energy Regulator additional powers to disqualify installers and designers, retailers and components from participating in the SRES.

If you have any information about potential fraudulent behaviour or activities, please contact us at or phone 1300 553 542.

For further information see compliance and enforcement.