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A new blue carbon method is now available under the Emissions Reduction Fund.

The 2022 blue carbon method is the first method for blue carbon projects under the Emissions Reduction Fund.

The new method covers projects that introduce tidal flows to allow the establishment of coastal wetland ecosystems including supratidal forests, mangroves, saltmarshes and seagrass, through the removal or modification of a tidal restriction mechanism.

A blue carbon project achieves carbon abatement by increasing the carbon stored in soil and vegetation, and by avoiding emissions from soils as they are rewetted, or from freshwater wetlands being returned to saline wetlands. The sequestration of carbon and avoidance in emissions earns Australian carbon credit units.

The new blue carbon method came into effect on 2 January 2022.

See thetidal restoration of blue carbon ecosystems method page or contact us for more information.