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At the request of the Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction, the Clean Energy Regulator (the agency), with the support of the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (DISER), led a review into the rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) sector to address consumer issues, defective installations, misuse of installer accreditation details, and safety and quality concerns in the sector.

The Integrity Review of the Rooftop Solar PV Sector made 13 recommendations to the Australian Government to improve integrity and accountability in the rooftop solar PV sector. The agency’s report and the Australian Government’s response have been released today.

The final report recommends improvements to the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) to improve integrity and accountability in the rooftop solar PV sector, protect consumers and ensure emissions reductions occur.

The 13 recommendations in the report cover 3 broad themes:

  • tightening SRES eligibility requirements for installers,
  • tightening SRES eligibility requirements for solar panels and inverters, and
  • promoting better consumer outcomes, including by placing new legal obligations on solar retailers under the SRES.

The recommendations include:

  • giving the agency responsibility for setting eligibility requirements for an installer accreditation scheme and the listing of eligible solar components
  • implementing new and streamlined reporting requirements for installers, solar retailers and manufacturers
  • giving the agency more effective powers to monitor and enforce compliance, including the ability to suspend installers, disqualify retailers and de-list components, and
  • developing consumer information to help consumers navigate the rooftop solar PV sector and avoid dishonest operators, empowering consumers with the information they need to make informed choices about rooftop solar PV.

The Australian Government has committed $19.2 million to implement the recommendations to improve the integrity of the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme.

The Australian rooftop solar PV sector is strong with most participants doing the right thing to comply with installation requirements, quality assurance and safety. The reforms will help safeguard those businesses currently providing quality services and products by focussing on removing unscrupulous operators from the market.

For more detail on the recommendations see the Integrity Review of the Rooftop Solar PV Sector.

Industry Information Webinar

A video of the webinar for industry participants hosted by the agency on Wednesday 22 September 2021 is now available.

Further Consultation

Consultation on the regulatory changes needed to implement the recommendations in the review will occur in late 2021. This process will be run by DISER with the support of the agency.