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Consultation on an exposure draft of the proposed amendments to the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 (REE Regulations) is now open.

The proposed amendments address the Australian Government’s response to recommendations made in the Integrity Review of the Rooftop Solar PV Sector. The amendments aim to give the Clean Energy Regulator powers to:

  • approve installer accreditation schemes
  • tighten eligibility requirements for approved solar components
  • require written statements from solar retailers, and
  • improve compliance and enforcement

The proposed amendments will also streamline reporting requirements for accredited installers and solar PV component manufacturers.

The consultation process is being run by the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (DISER) with the support of the Clean Energy Regulator.

Consultation closes on 12 November 2021.

We encourage you to participate in the consultation process to ensure proposed amendments consider the views of the sector.

The Clean Energy Regulator continues to administer the SRES as business-as-usual, this means the current REE Regulations continue to apply until any amendments are made into law.

For more information on the consultation process, key dates and how you can participate, please visit DISER’s Consultation Hub.

An online information session on the proposed amendments, hosted by DISER, will also be available. Please email to register your interest.