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Coal mine waste projects generate abatement through the conversion of waste methane from underground coal mines, by installing or expanding flaring or flameless oxidation devices or electricity generation equipment to displace grid electricity. Eligible projects earn Australian carbon credit units for converting the waste methane to carbon dioxide (which has a lower global warming potential), displacing grid electricity or both.

The 2021 variation to the coal mine waste gas method came into effect on 29 September 2021. The variation is intended to unlock additional abatement under the method while ensuring the method continues to meet the offsets integrity requirements. The variation:

  • implements a crediting period extension of 5 years, recommended by the Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee
  • allows waste coal mine gas electricity generation projects that were previously eligible to earn large-scale generation certificates under the Renewable Energy Target (RET) to transition to the Emissions Reduction Fund for a 5-year crediting period
  • amends the electricity grid emissions intensity factor used in the abatement calculations to the value that is current at the end of the reporting period.

Existing projects under the 2015 Coal mine waste gas method can choose to transfer onto the varied method. This will allow existing projects to access a crediting period extension of 5 years resulting in a crediting period of 12 years from the start date of their original crediting period. New projects, including transitioning RET projects, can apply to register under the varied method.

Project proponents can submit an application through the Client Portal.

See the Coal mine waste gas method page for more information.