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  • 6.3 GW of total renewable energy capacity is expected to be delivered this year, matching the record set in 2019.
  • Small-scale rooftop solar PV installation and capacity accelerated further in Quarter 2 2020 and exceeded expectations with an estimated 677 MW installed. This is a 41 per cent increase on the installed capacity for Quarter 2 2019.
  • Our previous estimate of 2.7 GW of rooftop solar PV for 2020 is now likely to be exceeded and reach 2.9 GW of installations.
  • 2 gigawatts capacity of large-scale renewable projects has now been accredited for the year to date and expected to reach 3.4 gigawatts for the calendar year.
  • 23 new projects were registered under the Emissions Reduction Fund, bringing total registration in 2020 to 43. Project registrations in 2020 have now surpassed registrations in all of 2019.
  • 383,000 units and certificates (ACCUs and LGCs combined) were voluntarily surrendered, 3.3 times of that seen in Quarter 2 2019. Voluntary demand in 2019-20 financial year is now double the levels in 2018-19. At the end of Quarter 2 2020, the Australian Capital Territory government, surrendered 2.2 million LGCs to show it had achieved its 100 per cent renewable energy target.
  • Total emissions reduction from the Renewable Energy Target and Emissions Reduction Fund is expected to be approximately 54 million tonnes CO2-e in 2020, compared to 48 million tonnes delivered in 2019.


Other Quarterly Carbon Market Reports

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