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Chair of the Clean Energy Regulator, Mr David Parker has been appointed by Minister for Energy and Emissions Reductions, the Hon Angus Taylor MP, an ex officio member of the Technology Investment Advisory Council that will advise on the preparation of annual Low Emissions Technology Statements.

Chaired by Chief Scientist Dr Alan Finkel AO, the panel, which comprises a range of industry and research leaders, will consult with industry, investors, communities and state and territory governments to drive technology outcomes through the Technology Investment Roadmap, with the Roadmap’s First Low Emissions Technology Statement released today by Minister Taylor.

Mr Parker said he was delighted with his appointment and looked forward to contributing to a strong economy with a lower emissions future.

“The low emissions technology statements offer triple benefits – growing jobs, improving economic outcomes and reducing emissions.

This is particularly important at a time when the impacts of COVID 19 are having a marked effect on the Australian economy.”

The Technology Investment Roadmap will prioritise Australian Government investments in new and developing technologies. Deploying the right technology when and where it is needed will allow Australian industry to capture new opportunities.

The roadmap focuses on:

  • developing technologies that will support jobs growth
  • backing new industries that will help our regional communities and local economies to prosper
  • putting Australia at the forefront of research and development, and
  • maintaining our strong track record in reducing global emissions

It also provides a framework for setting economic stretch goals to accelerate the competitiveness of priority technologies developed in partnership with industry and stakeholders.

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