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We’re seeking your feedback on proposed amendments to audit requirements for certain plantation forestry projects under the Australian Carbon Credit Unit Scheme. 

Changes being proposed

We’re proposing a new class of alternative assurance projects that will reduce the audit requirements for eligible small-scale new plantations covered by schedule 1 of the plantation forestry method. 

This new class applies to low-risk plantation forestry projects. Existing projects or new applications that meet the proposed criteria under this class will be eligible for a reduced audit schedule. 

For these projects, alternative assurance will reduce administrative burden and incentivise scheme participation by lowering audit costs.

How to participate 

The consultation period is open from 4 April to 1 May 2024. Submissions are due by 5 pm AEST 1 May 2024.

Find out how to participate in the consultation.

We look forward to receiving your feedback.

Contact us if you have any questions or concerns.