This map shows the cumulative total number of Emissions Reduction Fund projects registered in each state and territory across Australia, as at 31 January 2023. The below data does not include information on revoked projects. Data from revoked projects is available in the Emissions Reduction Fund project register.

Click on the image to open a high resolution version.

January 2023 ERF cumulative map image

Emissions Reduction Fund registered projects across Australia

Carbon abatement contracts

This table shows the total number of carbon abatement contracts under the Emissions Reduction Fund and the total number of Australian carbon credit units delivered under contract, as at 31 January 2023.

Total number of carbon abatement contracts537
Total number of Australian carbon credit units delivered under contract80,229,794 

National Cumulative figures as at 31 January 2023

This table shows the total number of registered projects under the Emissions Reduction Fund, and the total number of Australian carbon credit units issued under the scheme, as at 31 January 2023.

Total number of registered Emissions Reduction Fund projects1,444 
Total number of Australian carbon credit units issued123,960,581