This monthly upda​te pro​vides a snapshot of the Emissions Reduction Fund, including interesting insights into some of the projects on the Emissions Reduction Fund project register. The below data does not include information on revoked projects. Data from revoked projects is available in the Emissions Reduction Fund project register.​

Em​issions Reduction Fund projects across Australia​​​

​​This graphic shows a summary of activity for the Emissions Reduction Fund in April 2016.

April 2016 project snapshot

Emissions Reduction​ Fund projects by method type

This graphic shows the total number of Emissions Reduction Fund projects registered in April 2016, broken down by method type.

April 2016 projects by method type​​

Emissions Reduction Fund projects across Australia

This map shows the total number of Emissions Reduction Fund projects registered in each state and territory across Australia in April 2016.

April 2016 projects across Australia ​​​​​​

Contracts awarded

The Clean Energy Regulator awarded contracts for 50.5 million tonnes of abatement at an average price of $10.23 per tonne at the third Emissions Reduction Fund auction held on Wednesday 27 and Thursday 28 April 2016.

Creating an alliance to reef the rewards

The Clean Energy Regulator awarded the largest contract to date at the third Emissions Reduction Fund auction, contracting 15.5 million tonnes of abatement over 10 years. The project will see large areas of native forest re-established along the Great Barrier Reef Catchment through a series of regeneration management activities. Read more about the project here​.​

