We're committed to supporting market integrity.
The systems we use are important in ensuring market integrity. This includes the registry systems used to issue, hold and track units and certificates.
Our current systems are the:
- Australian National Registry of Emissions Units (ANREU), currently transitioning into the new Unit and Certificate Registry
- Renewable Energy Certificate Registry (REC Registry).
Australian National Registry of Emissions Units (ANREU)
Australian carbon credit units (ACCUs) and Safeguard Mechanism credit units (SMCs) are held and managed in ANREU accounts.
The new Unit and Certificate Registry
We’re transitioning from the current ANREU system to the new Unit and Certificate Registry. The registry will progressively hold all units and certificates we administer. It will allow account holders to manage their units or certificates in one location. Learn more about the Unit and Certificate Registry.
SMCs are managed in ANREU accounts in the new Unit and Certificate Registry. ACCUs remain in the current ANREU system and will be transitioned to the new registry later in 2025.
ACCUs and SMCs are issued into and transferred between ANREU accounts.
We monitor transactions between ANREU accounts. To prevent abuse and criminal activity within the system, we can:
- close and suspend accounts
- apply conditions to accounts
- defer or refuse to transfer units.
There is also a rigorous application process for new participants who want to use ANREU.
Renewable Energy Certificate Registry (REC Registry)
Under the Renewable Energy Target (RET), participants can create, transfer and surrender:
- large-scale generation certificates (LGCs)
- small-scale technology certificates (STCs).
Participants do this through the REC Registry.
We record all transactions performed through the REC Registry. We use this information to manage, audit and report on certificates and the renewable energy market.
We also administer the STC clearing house. This clearing house is where:
- small-scale renewable energy system owners and registered agents can sell STCs
- liable entities can buy STCs to meet their obligations under the RET Scheme.
We monitor STC clearing house activity.
Market contacts
Our market contacts help to ensure market integrity and provide participants with resources to help navigate the Australian financial markets.
We collaborate with the:
- Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)
- Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)
- Australian Financial Markets Association (AFMA)
- Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)
- Carbon Market Institute.
For concerns about fraud or market misconduct, refer to our fraud policy and contact the appropriate authority.
The role of the ASIC
The ASIC regulates registered companies, financial markets and financial service providers. It aims to:
- promote fair, efficient and transparent financial markets
- support confident and informed participation by investors and financial consumers.
For more information, visit the ASIC website.
The role of the ACCC
The ACCC is an independent authority that promotes competition and fair trading between businesses and consumers.
The ACCC administers the Competition and Consumer Act 2010. This includes Australian competition, fair trading and consumer protection laws.
For more information, visit the ACCC website.
The role of the AFMA
The AFMA is an industry association that efficiency, integrity and professionalism in Australia's financial markets.
The AFMA aims to:
- provide a forum for industry leadership
- advance the interests of all market participates
- provide industry standard contracts for carbon and renewable energy markets.
For more information, visit the AFMA website.
The role of AEMO
The AEMO is the National Energy Market Operator and planner.
The AEMO supports the energy industry to deliver an integrated, secure, and cost effective national energy supply.
The AEMO also:
- maintains critical energy services
- sets new directions in energy sector planning
- provides data on the National Electricity Market.
For more information, visit the AEMO website.
The role of the Carbon Market Institute
The Carbon Market Institute maintains Australia’s Carbon Marketplace with support from the Australian Government.
The Carbon Marketplace contains:
- information about Australian Carbon Credit Unit Scheme projects
- a market directory for organisations working in Australia's domestic carbon market to provide their contact details.
The Carbon Marketplace can help you find projects and agents that may have ACCUs for sale.
For more information, visit the Carbon Market Institute's Carbon Marketplace.
Contracts for carbon and renewable markets trades
We recommend you seek independent, professional advice when trading ACCUs, SMCs, LGCs and STCs.
The AFMA publishes resources to help you participate in Australia’s financial markets. The association provides environmental product documentation for spot contracts in the secondary market.