We keep a record of documents we've released to the public under freedom of information (FOI) requests.

Our disclosure log details what we have released and when.

Earlier FOI requests

We publish information on our website for FOI requests made in the current year and the last 2 years. For information on earlier FOI requests, you can check Trove the National Library of Australia's online library database or contact us.

2024 disclosure log

The request: The contract document concerning CN ID: CN3822050.

Documents released: One document released in full with irrelevant information deleted. The document is a Commonwealth contract.

Date of release: 8 October 2024

Ref. number: FOI 240911

The request: The corporate emissions and energy report for 2022/23 for QS MAPS HOLDINGS NO. 3 PTY LTD.

Documents released: One document released in full with irrelevant information deleted.

Date of release: 4 October 2024

Ref. number: FOI 240814C

The request: A copy of the standard operating procedures for processing small-scale technology certificates. 

Documents released: 7 documents released in full and 19 documents released in part. These documents are procedure documents and templates. 

Date of release: 19 September 2024

Ref. number: FOI 240801 

The request: Documents held by the Clean Energy Regulator related to accreditation schemes for the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme between 2008 and 2024 submitted by the Clean Energy Council and Solar Accreditation Australia.

Documents released: 4 documents released in full with irrelevant information removed. These documents are applications forms and email correspondence. 

Date of release: 15 August 2024

Ref. number: FOI 240627

The request:

  1. The installer of the panels and the electrician who installed the panels.
  2. The residential address at which the panels were installed.
  3. The registered person/agent for any small-scale technology certificates (STCs) created in respect of the panels.
  4. The number of STCs created in respect of the panels.
  5. Various serial numbers for the panels provided

Documents released: One document released in part. The documents are assignment forms and certificates of compliance. 

Date of release: 15 August 2024

Ref. number: FOI 240621

The request:

  1. The installer of the panels and the electrician who installed the panels.
  2. The residential address at which the panels were installed.
  3. The registered person/agent for any small-scale technology certificates created in respect of the panels.
  4. The number of STCs created in respect of the panels.
  5. Various serial numbers for the panels provided.

Documents released: One document released in part. The document contains serial numbers and agent details for the panels relevant to the installation at issue.

Date of release: 1 August 2024

Ref. number: FOI 240619

The request: A list of all facilities in Australia that emit between 90 kt and 100 kt of greenhouse gases (CO2-e) (scope 1 emissions). Please only list facilities that are associated with responsible emitters that are not also associated with a Safeguard facility.

Documents released: One document released in part. The document is a list of facility names. 

Date of release: 16 July 2024

Ref. number: FOI 240429

The request: A list of the 37 facilities (including 21 facilities covered by the Safeguard Mechanism) which used Method 1 for 2022-23. 

Documents released: One document released in part. The document is a list of facility names which used Method 1 for 2022-23.

Date of release: 15 July 2024

Ref. number: FOI 240501

The request: Documents about the relinquishment of Australian carbon credit units by Urisino project.

Documents released: 5 documents released in full with irrelevant information removed, and one document released in part.

Date of release: 31 May 2024

Ref. number: FOI 240219A

The request: Documents regarding the application of the Safeguard Mechanism for the Barossa project including availability of Australian carbon credit units and various classification details of the project.

Documents released: 12 documents released in full with irrelevant information removed, and 3 documents released in part. The documents are email correspondence. 

Date of release: 16 May 2024

Ref. number: FOI 240224

The request: The 202223 corporate emissions and energy report for QIC Limited.

Documents released: One document released in full with irrelevant information removed. This document is a report. 

Date of release: 14 May 2024

Ref. number: FOI 240321

The request: A singular document that displays the name of the beneficial owner(s) of Benefit Property Holdings.

Documents released: One document released in full with irrelevant information removed. This document is an extract of an ASIC report.

Date of release: 18 April 2024

Ref. number: FOI 240219C

The request:

  • Emails/communications sent by the head of the agency (or their office) directed at all staff about either the Royal Commission on the Robodebt Scheme (‘the Royal Commission’) or the government response to the Royal Commission.
  • Any brief, agenda paper or submission to the agency’s executive leadership group/senior leadership group about how the agency was responding to the Royal Commission or implementing the government response to the Royal Commission.

Documents released: 5 documents released in full with irrelevant information removed. These documents are categorised as all staff communications, meeting agenda papers and minutes.

Date of release: 05 April 2024

Ref. number: FOI 240307

The request: The final meeting minutes (with each agenda title) of the Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee for January 2020 to December 2021: 

  • about the development of the carbon capture and storage method
  • the names of those who participated in each of the meetings, excluding the personal information of junior staff.

Documents released: 14 documents released in full with irrelevant information removed. These documents are meeting minutes. 

Date of release: 8 March 2024

Ref. number: FOI 240122

The request: Information issued to a third party from 1 March to 1 September 2022 regarding evidence of suppression activities for HIR projects at the project registration stage. 

Documents released: 23 documents released in part. These documents are emails and project documents.

Date of release: 16 January 2024

Ref. number: FOI 230414

Request documents 

Contact us if you want to access:

  • copies of the documents in the disclosure log
  • FOI documents we haven't published in the disclosure logs
  • FOI released documents/disclosure logs from earlier years.



Pre-paid post

FOI Contact Officer
Legal Services and Governance 
Clean Energy Regulator
GPO Box 621

There is no charge to request access to information. A charge may apply to cover the costs of copying or reproducing the information or sending it to you. We'll let you know if there is a charge. You will need to pay it before we provide the information.

Some documents in our disclosure log aren't available in HTML format. If you aren't able to read the format provided, contact us or email FOI@cer.gov.au.