We are developing an Australian Carbon Exchange to make it easier to trade Australian carbon credit units (ACCUs). It will create a centralised, standardised, regulated marketplace for buying and selling ACCUs.

The Australian Carbon Exchange will integrate with a modernised Unit & Certificate Register.

Over time, it will also include other carbon credits and certificates administered under our schemes.

Benefits of an Australian Carbon Exchange

The Australian Carbon Exchange will make the trading of ACCUs simpler and cheaper. This will help businesses meet their emissions reduction targets and obligations. It will make the market more transparent by:

  • setting prices
  • reducing transaction costs
  • limiting the administrative burden.

The Australian Carbon Exchange will support the Australian Government's emissions reduction goals. Australia's ability to achieve 'net zero' emissions depends on being able to access carbon offset units and certificates in a timely manner. This requires an exchange market.

The Australian Carbon Exchange will rely on the modernised Unit & Certificate Register being developed as part of this project.

Unit & Certificate Register

The modernised Unit & Certificate Register will be a secure and user-friendly digital registry system. It will equip buyers and sellers with greater efficiency and choice.

The Unit & Certificate Register will replace the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units (ANREU).

While the Unit & Certificate Register will initially hold only ACCUs, it will progressively consolidate our current registers to hold:

In future, it will support any new units and certificates that are introduced. For example, Safeguard Mechanism credit units (SMCs) and Guarantee of Origin (GO) certificates for renewable energy, hydrogen and any other low emissions production.

Procurement timeline and milestones

The Australian Carbon Exchange project commenced in 2021.

The procurement process is made up of 2 parts:

  • Part A: development of the Australian Carbon Exchange.
  • Part B: development of a new and improved Unit & Certificate Register.

Respondents could respond to part A, part B, or both parts A and B.

Expression of interest (EOI)

The EOI period was 28 April 2021 to 20 June 2021. On 11 May 2021, we ran an industry briefing on the EOI process.

After the EOI period closed, we shortlisted 13 parties to participate in the Request for Proposal procurement stage. This included:

  • 2 parties for part A
  • 6 parties for part B
  • 5 parties for both parts A and B.

This meant we could receive 7 tenders for Part A and 11 tenders for Part B.

Request for Proposal (RFP)

We released the RFP on 31 March 2022. We granted an initial 4-week extension to the deadline, followed by a further 2-week extension. These extensions were requested by potential tenderers.

The RFP period closed 11 July 2022.

Public Interest Certificate

On 30 June 2022, we issued a Public Interest Certificate in relation to the Australian Carbon Exchange procurement process.

Issuing a Public Interest Certificate means the procurement process can continue if there is a complaint. Issuing a certificate is a normal part of time-sensitive, important procurement processes.

We issued the certificate because the Australian Government wants to take quick action to address the climate crisis. If the procurement was suspended for a long time, it could affect Australia's ability to meet its climate commitments.

For more information about Public Interest Certificates, visit the Department of Finance procurement complaints webpage.


In December 2023, we announced:

  • Part A: The procurement process was closed without a successful tenderer being selected. We will be working together with Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) ​to develop a proposal for a suitable carbon exchange model for which we will undertake market consultation.
  • Part B: We contracted Trovio Group to develop a modernised Unit & Certificate Register.

Next steps in the Australian Carbon Exchange project

We plan to deliver and integrate the system between quarter 1 2024 and quarter 3 2024.

We expect the Unit & Certificate Register to be operating by mid-2025. We anticipate that the Australian Carbon Exchange will launch between late 2024 to early 2025 pending consultation with the market.

Until we launch the Australian Carbon Exchange, the Quarterly Carbon Market Reports (QCMRs) continue to be the main source of data on Australia's carbon markets. For more information, visit reports and data.